“The World's Oldest Mental Health Secret Just Saved My Life...”

The Night My Understanding of Anxiety and Depression

Changed Forever

“The World's Oldest Mental Health Secret Just Saved My Life...”

The Night My Understanding of Anxiety and Depression

Changed Forever

Are you currently struggling with your mental health?

If so, then you've probably asked yourself one of these questions:


“Why does happiness seem so fleeting?” 

“Am I stuck with these feelings of anxiety and depression for the rest of my life?” 


“How come I sabotage myself whenever I start to make progress toward my mental health goals?"

These are the same exact questions I used to ask myself every day...

Hi. My name is Dr. Elisha Goldstein,

I've been a practicing clinical psychologist for over 20 years.

I'm also the author of 5 bestselling books, I've created over 12 successful online courses, and I've helped thousands of clients through their own personal challenges with mental health.

And while today I'm blessed with a fulfilling career, a beautiful family, and a wide circle of fantastic friends... 

The truth is, not too long ago, I was absolutely convinced that I would never find real happiness.

See, outwardly I was hard-working and successful,

But inside I was secretly trapped in an unhealthy self-destructive cycle of alcohol and drug abuse.

I had surrounded myself with unhealthy friends, and would stay up all night partying,

I craved a sense of belonging, but I was chasing it in all the wrong ways.

And no matter how many people I surrounded myself with, I still felt a sense of loneliness inside.

My sleep suffered, and I found myself waking up in the middle of the night with panic attacks.

I felt scared, and I didn't know what to do.

My mental health steadily got worse until one night at 3am, I found myself walking home…


in the dark...

lost somewhere in the most dangerous part of town.

It was at that moment I realized how utterly alone and empty I felt inside. 

I knew I couldn’t keep on living like this.

That very same night marked the beginning of a journey that would completely turn my life around.

Because that night, my parents noticed something was wrong, and reached out to help me.

They gave me the support I needed while I took some space, reconnected with old friends and, and created new, healthier relationships.

And - to my relief - my mental health slowly began to improve!

I built new relationships that offered me friendship, support and even inspiration without drugs or partying.

And began taking my first baby steps in the right direction,

A direction that would soon flip my mental health completely on its head.

Because, even though I didn’t know it at the time...

What happened that night had revealed to me the secret behind every successful transformation since the dawn of humankind…

A secret that would turn my world upside down, give me the tools to design my dream life, and create a long-lasting, resilient, deep happiness that I still experience today! 

So if you feel stuck in life, let me tell you something important right now: 

You are not doomed to a life of constant anxiety and depression.

How am I so certain? 

Because that same secret I just told you about…

The secret that allowed me to finally leave my destructive habits, reconnect with my inner self, and go on to live out an incredible career as a clinical psychologist and best-selling author…

Has also allowed hundreds of my clients to make similar changes in their own lives!

But don't take my word for it...

Hear it from them in their own words!

"Never did I dream, in the depths of my despair, that I would be able to live in the hope and peace in which I now do."

- Stephany

"I am able to connect with myself and others more honestly, and make more conscious, heart-centered decisions... In a world where overstimulation makes it difficult to connect to ourselves, others and even the moment, [this program] teaches us to slow down, breathe and awaken."

- Michelle

"It all came together for me in a powerful way. Elisha's tender and consistent presence, the loving faculty, and the support of so many ... I can't thank you all enough for guiding me through this profound experience."

- Charlie

In a minute, I’m going to explain exactly how I helped my clients achieve these incredible results,

As well as what you can do to apply the exact same principles in your own life!

But in order for it to make sense, I first have to tell you about the incredible secret at the heart of all of my clients' transformations,

Or as I like to call it...

“The World's Oldest Mental Health Secret”

Why do I call it that?


Because it's been around since the dawn of history. 

In fact, it's so old that we often use it without even realizing!

No, it's not religion. Or self-acceptance. Or meditation.  


And it's not some woo-woo magic trick, like the law of attraction or anything like that. 


This secret is a 100% proven, scientific fact that has been confirmed in countless experiments and employed by the most successful organizations on the planet.   

The truth is, it's so powerful and universal, that I've come to consider it the foundation of all mental health. 

Because once this “switch” is in the correct position, everything else falls naturally into place

For instance, I've seen clients of mine go from a whopping 77 on a stress scale questionnaire (out of 100), 

To a regular score of 8, while feeling more confident, calm and present on a regular basis...

Within a matter of months!

And all because of this one, simple secret... 


Have you guessed what it is yet? 

Once you hear it, it'll seem obvious.

(You might even laugh at yourself for not having thought of it sooner!)


And it's only 10 words long.

Are you ready?

…Be sure to write this down:)

Surround yourself with the right people, and anything is possible.” 


Let me repeat that: 


“Surround yourself with the right people...


...And anything is possible.” 

Yep. That’s it.

That's the secret that took me from a life of feeling totally stuck, lonely, anxious and depressed,

To one filled with love, success, gratitude, inspiration and daily fulfillment,

Exactly as it has done with every other human being who has ever used it!

See, at our deepest core, we humans are tribal creatures.

Thousands of years ago, we were dependent on other people to survive at all times.

Because of this, we are highly influenced by the thoughts, feelings and actions of those we surround ourselves with.

Have you ever heard the famous quote by Jim Rohn,

"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with."

It's 100% true.

And it explains exactly why celebrities, athletes, influencers and most people who are successful in their respective domains...

All pay top dollar just to spend a little more time with each other.

Once I understood this secret, the world opened up before me!

Because the truths, you don’t have to be an athlete or celebrity to take advantage of this in your life.

This secret is available to any human being on the planet...

And it's as easy as choosing the kind of life you want for yourself, and spending more time with those kinds of people!

For instance, if you want to be a better gardener, find a community of fellow gardeners to join.



If you want to become an author, spend more time with authors.


And if you want to live a more calm, inspired and joyful life, surround yourself with a group of mental health “superheroes” all dedicated to that same goal!


Because whoever you spend the most time with, that will become your new “normal.”

And your subconscious mind will take over, and pull you in the direction you want to go!

Sadly, in today's world, most of us surround ourselves with the wrong people...

And become tired and frustrated, as we furiously struggle against our subconscious tendencies.

Unable to overcome our doubt, procrastination, and fear.

It's like trying to swim against a strong current.

No matter how hard you swim, the current will eventually wear you down.

This is exactly why I had so much trouble with my mental health all those years ago...

I had joined a group of people who did not share my values or goals in life,

And the predictable result was confusion, a sense of futility, anxiety, depression and lack of purpose.

What Does This Have To Do With You?

If you are currently struggling with your mental health...

Or you feel like you're always exhausted and stressed out, unable to get ahead...

Then you might be making the same exact mistake I made all those years ago!

It’s such a common delusion in our individualistic culture, to believe that we can achieve everything on our own,

Or even that we’re supposed to.

But the truth is, if you want to 10x or even 100x the speed at which you begin to see real progress toward your goals,

Then finding the right people to spend time with is the first and most important step!

A New Kind of Community

Once this simple truth became clear for me…

I realized that what my clients really needed was not some new mantra or relaxation technique...

But a completely new kind of mental health training program,  

One that harnessed the World's Oldest Mental Health Secret to its greatest potential!  

I dreamt of creating a team of "Mental Health Super Heroes” who could depend on and encourage each other through any challenge.  

And as my conviction in this new dream grew, I began searching for ways to create it. 

The first attempts were small, 


But even so, I knew I was onto something big when the testimonials began pouring in... 

See, even previous clients of mine who had been practicing mindfulness for years... 

Began to experience profound changes in their lives and mental health within a matter of weeks! 

The impact of this new program blew all of my other programs out of the water!

In fact, it quickly became clear to me that this wasn't just some new online course – it was the blueprint for a full-fledged transformation.

The changes were so powerful, I decided to call the program "Uncover the Power Within."

...And the incredible testimonials from my clients have been pouring in ever since!

With all these incredible results coming in like clockwork, you might be wondering... 

How Exactly Does Uncover The Power Within Work?

The Uncover The Power Within program is the only mental health program in the world that provides all three of the ingredients you need to break free from your negative habits and finally live out the life you deserve. 

Those three ingredients are:

#1 - A Curated Community

By far the most powerful part of this program is its people.


These people will be much more than just your "course mates"...

They will be by your side every step of the way, giving and asking advice, reaching out during hard times and providing all kinds of support.   

That’s why I’m so careful about who I allow into this community. 

Because this isn’t just some Facebook group or online chat room that comes along with a course… 

The Uncover The Power Within community is designed to foster deep connection, collaboration, and real friendships. 

People within it quickly go from being “people in my online group” to cherished, life-long friends.  

Imagine that you stumbled upon a handful of people who came to know and love you - who listened to you, rooted for you, and helped you to change and grow... 

How excited and motivated would you feel each day to improve and do your best?  


To give you a sneak peek of that exact feeling, I want to show an example of the interactions that take place every day inside Uncover the Power Within:

And this is just a sample of the supportive and uplifting energy that is shared every day within the Uncover The Power Within community space!

Tell me, if you were receiving daily messages like the ones above on a regular basis...

How long would it take you to feel understood and included?

Like you had a group of friends you truly belonged to?

My guess is… not long at all.

This is exactly how Uncover The Power Within achieves such a positive impact for its members. 


Just imagine experiencing this kind of support and kindness on a daily basis...

Your subconscious mind would quickly fill up with motivation, giving you an extra burst of energy in every aspect of your life!

Just as it has for the members before you.

#2 - An Unparalleled Mental Health Curriculum

The second crucial ingredient to creating the life you deserve is a structured lesson plan, with clear instructions and easy-to-learn lessons.

Inside Uncover The Power Within, you'll gain access to an unmatched curriculum of the most powerful and time-tested mental health techniques,

Drawing from the fields of mindfulness, cognitive therapy, and positive psychology,

This is truly a “no holds barred”, science-backed mental health program that gives you everything you need to handle anxiety and overwhelm with grace and inner strength.

Trust me, this isn’t like most online courses with just a handful of pre-recorded videos that make you excited but leave you exactly the same as you were before… 

Every one of the lessons you’ll learn inside this program lend themselves to immediate application. 

The program contains 12 different modules, each of which includes walk-through exercises designed to create brand new mental habits in your brain,

And to reinforce those new habits until they become second nature. 

Here is just a small taste of the many “superpowers” this program will teach you:  

  • The secret ability to completely relax your entire nervous system on-demand, no matter how stressful or urgent the situation. 

  • A powerful mental model that will allow you to focus for long periods of time and combat the distractions of modern technology. 

  • The specific emotions that will heal your self-image and restore a deep feeling of trust and love for yourself and others. 

  • The ability to artfully direct your intention to deeply savor the good things in life, filling your day with gratitude and positive emotions. 

  • An inner well of compassion and loving-kindness to form deep, profound new connections with both yourself and others.

  • A little-known method to access higher levels of self awareness, and ensure sustainable change and higher emotional resilience. 

As a teacher, one of my gifts is knowing how to make my lessons simple, practical, and applicable to my student's lives. 

Which means that everything you learn in this program will be bite-sized, easy to understand and quick to learn.

Within weeks, you’ll feel more relaxed and confident, able to handle stressful situations with and ease!

#3 - A Personal Mentorship with

Dr. Elisha Goldstein

The final ingredient you need to unleash the life you deserve,

is access to the guidance of a lifelong veteran of mental health training, mindfulness, and clinical psychology...


All members of Uncover The Power Within gain unparalleled, access to my private group coaching calls twice a week for an entire year!!

Let me be clear about this:

No one else will ever get the same level of personal support and coaching from me as the people within this community. 

And these calls won't be about general issues that aren't immediately relevant to your needs.

On the contrary, you will have repeated chances to ask me anything and everything you can think of.

Got a personal question you want my advice about?

No problem.

Having trouble understanding a particular technique from the curriculum?

We’ll get you caught up to speed in no time!

Imagine hopping on a video call, sharing your situation with me, and in a matter of minutes receiving the exact feedback and direction you need to overcome your biggest roadblocks. 

As a member of Uncover The Power Within, you'll never be more than a couple days away from talking with a world-wide expert who has helped thousands of people overcome their most difficult personal challenges. 

And when combined with a unique community and unparalleled mental health curriculum,

The speed with which new members can begin to see incredible results... results that might take them decades to reach on their own... is astounding.

So, are you thinking of applying for a spot in Uncover The Power Within?

If so, then I have a special offer make to you...

A free consultation call with me anytime in the next month,

(I normally charge upwards of $500 for a private call like this).

However, before I tell you all the details about this offer, I want to clear up any doubts you might have about joining Uncover The Power Within.

So, if you want to skip straight to your free consultation call, then simply click the yellow button below.

And if you still have questions about the program and everything it entails...

Then keep reading, and I'll be sure to answer them for you below:)

Yes, I'm Ready to Apply for My Free Consultation Call!

How Much Time Do I Need For This Program?

While the modules and group interaction are completely self paced, you should expect to set aside 1-2 hours a week to the learning, live calls, practices, and community. 

With that being said, you may have more time on some days versus others,

So essentially, you are free to spend as much or as little time as you want.

The calls themselves will all be recorded, so if for some reason you can't make it, you can still go back and get your questions answered.

(And you'll also have access to all of the past calls so you can soak up as much information as possible whenever you’d like.)

Regardless of how much time you have, you're never far away from the expert and peer-based support, encouragement and guidance you need.  

What If I'm A Slow Learner?

This program isn't nicknamed the "The World's First Mental Health Accelerator” for no reason.  


By combining a powerful, step-by-step curriculum with a supportive community to give you positive feedback every step of the way, 

Your subconscious mind will be ready to absorb these lessons as fast as possible.  


Have you ever felt an unmistakable sense that you were on the right path?  


And that no matter how fast or slow you traveled, each step you took had important, life-changing results?  


That's the exact kind of certainty and engagement Uncover The Power Within is designed to instill in your subconscious mind.  


Under such conditions, there really is no such thing as a “slow learner.”

How Much Time Until I Begin To See Results?

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to learning and transformation. Each member goes through the curriculum at their own pace, but we'll be there to help customize the best approach for you.

But, while the step-by-step framework of this curriculum is time-tested and proven, the magic of Uncover The Power Within is not only in the curriculum…

...But in the connection with the community. 

And since all of the lessons are tied into this power,

The most powerful benefits will occur once your subconscious mind get accustomed to thinking of this community as your new “normal.”

It’s at that moment when everything will finally “click,” and the true mental health benefits of this program will begin to flow.

The feeling of this “click” will be unmistakable, 

And from that moment forward, things will start falling into place naturally for you.

Your anxiety will decrease as your feelings of inclusion and connection grow.

And whatever self-doubt or fear you have will be overpowered by the knowledge that you are part of a unique and caring group of mental health superheroes,

All of whom have your back and truly wish you the best in everything you do!

If you’ve never felt that before, then believe me when I tell you… there’s nothing more empowering!

What If I'm An Introvert?

Many people have asked me, “will this community-learning model work for me if I’m an introvert?” 


The truth is, people who think of themselves as introverts are often the ones who open up most when they finally find a group of people they “click” with. 


So whether you believe you're an extrovert or an introvert, it makes no difference.  


It's all about feeling included and connected.

Some people will naturally gravitate to the interactive elements of the community more, and others less.  


Each individual needs different amounts of interaction to feel that sense of belonging and purpose that is at the heart of this program.  


So whether it takes you 1 interaction per week, or 10 per day to feel comfortable, it doesn't matter...

The incredible results for your mental health will be the same either way.

Will I Have To Stop Seeing My Therapist?

Of course not:) 


Uncover The Power Within is designed to supercharge your mental health and personal growth, by leveraging the social instincts at the core of every human being.  


But that doesn't mean you have to stop what you're currently doing to improve yourself! 


Whether you enjoy reading self-help books, learning yoga, working through sessions with a great therapist, or eating well,   


Uncover The Power Within is designed to enhance the power of all those activities, not fight them.


In fact, sharing your thoughts and advice within the community space is highly encouraged.   


So read away! The more insights about yourself and others you can share with the rest of the community, the better.  


Just don't be surprised when you don't feel like you need to talk with your therapist quite as often as you used to;)  

Who Is This Program Meant To Help?

I don't know if Uncover The Power Within is right for you...  


But if you're still reading this far, it's because you feel something powerful calling you forward.  


This feeling might make you nervous. It takes courage to join a new group of people and open up.    


And yet you're still here.  


That lets me know that you're the type of person who wants to grow and thrive, and is looking for a connection to something greater than yourself.   

If you believe that the right community has the power to completely change your life, and set you on a path toward resilient, long-lasting happiness,

And if you are willing to open up, make new connections, and share yourself with us, imperfections and all...

Then I have no doubt that Uncover The Power Within is the place where you will thrive!

What Happens After I Join?

Once inside the community space, you'll gain instant access to... 

  • Unparalleled access and mentorship from me via group chats and calls

  • 2 weekly Q&A calls for an entire year (I’ve literally never given this level of access to anyone else before this program)

  • A supportive community where you will experience a deep connection with others and make new life long friends

  • A proven program, backed by science, and my 20 years as a psychologist and leading mindfulness teacher. Full of all the lessons, tools and exercises you need to build new mental circuits to make your brain into an unstoppable force propelling you toward a new life of positive change and long-lasting well-being

  • As a bonus you'll also receive:  24/7 access to “The Vault” - an online library of countless interviews with mindfulness leaders, guided meditations and how-to and helpful content  

But more than just unparalleled access to my mentorship and proven tools, 

You'll also be joining a community and family of people who are changing and growing together. 

With the Uncover The Power Within community on your side, you’ll be ready to start a new life full of joy, purpose and fulfillment!

My Offer To You Today

Today I want to make you a very special offer...  


A chance to apply for a free, private Consultation Call with me, Dr. Elisha Goldstein!


Let me be clear…


This is a completely free, no-risk, half-hour consultation call in which you tell me about your goals and dreams, and in return I give you the best guidance I possibly can for you based on your personal situation.  


For a private consultation call like this, I normally charge upwards of $500…

But because you’ve stuck with me this long,

All you have to do to receive it is fill out a quick application form.

Once I receive your application, we'll work together to find the best time to hold our private consultation call.

Easy as pie!

There's just one catch...

My schedule is rather busy, and I can only guarantee 7 slots for new free consultation calls this before the end of the month!  


That's only 7 slots for up to the 15,000 people who receive my weekly newsletter...  


But since you probably arrived at this page after participating in one of my recent Masterclasses, I want to give you the chance to apply for your session first, before anybody else receives this offer.  

So click the button below to fill out the application for your private consultation call with a 20-year mental health expert and 5-time best-selling author!

(Just to be clear both the application, and the consultation call are zero charge!)

The Decision Of A Lifetime

I know how it feels to stand before a life-changing opportunity and wonder, “Is this right for me?”...

To feel those doubts as you look for a sign that you’re making the right decision.

Maybe you’re seriously thinking about applying for Uncover The Power Within but aren’t sure.

I get it. It’s a big decision

(Most life-changing decisions are).

So do me (and you) a favor… DON’T decide now. Seriously, don’t.

Instead, just take the first, risk-free step by applying for your private consultation call above.

There will be no long sales pitch, and you won’t be left speaking with an assistant of mine or anything like that.

I simply want to give you the chance to pick my brain, and dig a little deeper into the Uncover The Power Within community so you can learn our values, and we can decide together if it's a good fit for all.

If you decide, for whatever reason, that Uncover The Power Within is not for you right now... 

Then we leave it at that. Period. 

(And I’ll still be happy to count you as a new friend after our call:)

But if you decide that the best path forward for you is to join Uncover The Power Within, then we’ll move toward the next step: 

Joining The Program!

(In which case, we'll be talking a lot more pretty soon!)

Why exactly am I giving this consultation call away for free?

Because I know the power of this community to change people’s lives…

And I also know we don't know each other yet. So it's important to connect and explore whether this is the best option for both of us. This will also give you a chance ask questions directly.

If that sounds fair to you, then go ahead and click the button below;)

(Got any questions about joining Uncover The Power Within that I didn't answer here? Feel free to reach out to me at community@elishagoldstein.com, and I'll do my best to answer them!)