Take Control of Your Stress and Anxiety

Discover the simple daily steps you can take over 21 days to relieve your anxiety naturally and stay in the driver's seat of your life.

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Take Control of Your Stress and Anxiety

Discover the simple daily steps you can take over 21 days to relieve your anxiety naturally and stay in the driver's seat of your life.


Elisha Goldstein, PhD is one of the world's preeminent mindfulness teachers, a clinical psychologist, founder of the Mindful Living Collective and, creator of the breakthrough program – Uncover the Power Within.

For the last 20 years as a psychologist and mindfulness educator, he has been at the forefront of integrating curriculum and training for Therapists, Educators, Business Professionals, active Military, Parents, and others in the art and science of mindful living.

His books include Uncovering Happiness, The Now Effect, A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook, and MBSR Everyday.

In an increasingly fragmented society, he is working to bring people together so they may motivate and inspire one another in far-reaching ways.

Dr. Goldstein lives in Los Angeles, CA with his wife Stefanie (The other Dr. Goldstein) and his three children..


Discover the art and science of how to take your life back, uncover, harness and activate the best in yourself!

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The Mindful Living Collective (MLC) is a safe space where everyone can learn from expert and collective knowledge, share their personal challenges, and access support in the collective effort to live more mindfully, together.

This was built in the true spirit of a Collective - a group coming together as a whole. The fastest way to learn, grow or heal is to connect with others on the same journey. A simple path to find what is best for us from value aligned people we trust...

...those people are here. A lot of them.


How To Be Happier

This FREE training reveals the secrets the happiest people on earth use to cultivate joy, love, and fun!

You'll discover why happiness can be so elusive and how to rewire your brain in order to more easily experience lasting joy.

"I feel a lightness and a joy come from within that I haven’t felt in a very long time!"

- Judy N.

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21 Days To Relieve Anxiety Naturally

In just minutes a day, develop simple ways to release anxiety, recharge, and nourish yourself through this time and for life.

Uncover The Power Within

Heal yourself, experience calm amidst uncertainty, and step into the vibrant, joyful life you deserve with this 12-month dedicated group coaching program with Dr. Goldstein.

"Like so many of you, this [program] has changed and saved my life in so many ways, and I say that in an attitude of such deep gratitude to Elisha, for your incredible vision and wisdom, and to the community. Never did I dream, in the depths of my despair, that I would be able to live in the hope and peace in which I now do."

- Stephanie

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Dr. Elisha Goldstein’s energy is contagious and he has the ability to turn complicated information into easy to understand concepts. He shares practical applications on mindfulness and psychotherapy that event attendees can put into effect immediately.

He has spoken at many professional conferences, and has also been invited to speak on Mindfulness and Work at multinational corporations such as AETNA and NexTerra Energy, as well as Universities such as UCLA, University of Washington, and USC.

He’s also participated on multiple live online interactive seminars and radio shows including NPR.


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Take Control Of Your Stress and Anxiety

In 21 days

Discover the simple steps you can take each day to relieve your anxiety naturally and stay in the driver's seat of your life.

Watch the free Training and find the peace you've been missing.